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Apply Online for Primary and Secondary School places

Applications for children due to start primary or secondary school in September 2017 can now be made online.

Families with children born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013 are urged to visit the primary school admissions pages on OCC’s website to find out how to apply for places for next year.

Applications for primary or junior schools also need to be made for children currently attending an infant school who were born between 1 September 2009 and 31 August 2010.

Families with children due to move up to secondary school next September should visit the secondary school admissions pages. (There is also information for anyone interested in applying for a Year 10 transfer to a University Technical College (UTC) or Studio School.)

When applying parents are strongly advised to state three preferences and include their catchment school as one of these – even if it is their third preference school. This does not in any way affect families’ chances of securing a place at their first-preference school.

OCC still accepts postal applications but recommends families apply online where possible, as this helps speed up the applications process. It also means families receive an automatic response confirming their application has been received and can be quickly notified if further information is needed.