Brown Bin collection – w/c 22nd Oct – you can put more than one bin’s worth out for collection:

Residents across southern Oxfordshire who are signed up for brown bin collections can put out twice as much garden waste during the extra garden waste weeks this month.
South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils are giving those who are part of the paid-for service the opportunity to put out the equivalent of one extra bin’s worth of garden waste (around three large 80 litre bin bags) in the week commencing 22 October.
Residents should leave their extra garden waste out in bin liners or sacks beside their brown bins on their usual collection day during these weeks. Trade waste bags will not be accepted., however you can re-use old compost bags.
The garden waste is taken to a recycling plant in Oxfordshire where it is used to make compost, which goes to local farmers, allotment holders and an annual compost giveaway. However, there are increasing reports that the waste is being contaminated with non-compostable items such as plant pots, plastic bags and bottles.
Cllr Elaine Ware, cabinet member for housing and environment at Vale of White Horse District Council, said: “This extra garden waste service offers a great opportunity for residents to clear their gardens and make them ready for winter. We want to take this opportunity to remind people that they should only put compostable garden waste in the brown bin.”
Cllr Caroline Newton, cabinet member for housing and environment at South Oxfordshire District Council, added: “I would encourage all our garden waste customers to make use of this extra-large collection – it’s the right time of year to give your garden a really good clear out. Please bear in mind that just because something is used in the garden, that doesn’t make it garden waste.”
What CAN be put into the brown bin
- Leaves
- Grass
- Weeds
- Flowers and plants
- Hedge clippings
- Branches (not more than 10cm thick)
- Prunings and twigs
- Windfall fruit
- Hay / Straw / Sawdust (soiled animal bedding from non-meat eating animals only eg rabbits)
- Vegetable waste from the garden only eg potato tops (not kitchen waste) See the councils’ websites for more information via