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Planning / Developments

Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Now Live

After two years in the making the village Neighbourhood Plan is nearly complete. It’s now time to read it and make comment.

This is your plan that will influence the future of your village. This consultation is your chance to comment before the plan is formally submitted to South Oxfordshire District Council.

Your views will be considered by the Plan team and the experts assisting them. Comments received will help refine the plan before it moves forward to the next stage.

The Plan is available to read on There is a printed copy in St.Andrews Church.

You can comment online, by email or by post. See for details.

Planned repair to St Andrew’s Church Stonework

The PCC of St Andrew’s, Hagbourne is pleased to announce that the stonework repairs to the exterior of the church will go ahead from 6th June and, given fine weather, will be completed in 9 weeks.

Scaffolding will be erected which will necessitate a slight deviation of the path through the churchyard, but the right-of-way will remain open. The building site will be fenced off but caution should be exercised in the area. If anyone has any concerns about this work as it progresses please discuss them with me as I am the Client point-of-contact for this contract.

John Allen Jones, Churchwarden, 01235 813326,

East Hagbourne’s Neighbourhood Plan

East Hagbourne’s Neighbourhood Plan is under way and will cover the whole of East Hagbourne parish. The Plan will consider many aspects of parish life and when complete will have influence over planning decisions and development.

A Steering Committee has been formed and a new, dedicated web site set up at  where you can follow events and get involved.

Follow the link to read about the first public meeting on 19th January when experts from SODC helped us formulate our strategy and see the results from a preliminary walk around the village to identify significant features.

The Plan involves us all, so please join in – watch for public meetings, questionnaires, join a planning group – see the web site for details.

For any enquiries or more information, please contact us on

New Green Cap Consultation

Grainger Plc has submitted revised plans for their proposed development on The Green Gap. Consequently, SODC has opened up a new consultation inviting comments on these plans.

The changes have been classified as an “addendum” and the changes are relatively minor. You may therefore feel that the original basis your objection has not been addressed. If that’s the case you should make that point in a further response.

If you commented on the application previously you may already have received notification from SODC. If you haven’t commented to date and would like to make your opinions known that’s allowed too!
However, the consultation is only open until 1st February so please act now.

You can find out more information about the application and how to object here: