Didcot Volunteer Centre – Drivers needed
HELLO Drivers!
The Didcot Volunteer Centre is a registered charity, providing a transport service to local hospitals, clinics and other nearby destinations, to inhabitants of Didcot and the surrounding villages.
The only cost involved to the user is a contribution to the driver`s fuel expenditure, plus any parking charges incurred. The contribution is based on the round-trip mileage from the driver`s home, at a rate conforming with HMRC limits, and is paid directly by the passenger to the driver.
This year, the DVC celebrated its 30th anniversary and has catered for over 1500 journeys each year. The demands upon the limited resources are increasing every year.
The service relies upon a group of around 26 male and female drivers, using their own cars, of whom perhaps 50% are available at any one time. Our drivers have their own personal commitments and are not expected to be available on a full-time basis.
Some of our present drivers have been taking part in the service for over ten years and enjoy the social contact with our passengers. Similarly, we have regular feed-back from passengers who appreciate our services. However, people retire, move or cease driving for the service, for a number of reasons, and there is always a shortage of volunteers. For this reason, the DVC needs to maintain its list of drivers at a level where the demands placed can be satisfied.
In short, this is an appeal for people to offer their time as drivers and join our list of volunteers. It must be pointed out, this is not an onerous commitment – if a driver is available, fine. If a driver cannot attend on occasion, well that`s fine too.
More information can be obtained from our office in Mereland Road, Didcot, by telephoning 01235 816709,
between 1000 and 1200hrs on Mondays to Fridays.
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For the DVC Committee
The DVC is supported by its Clients, Oxfordshire County Council and the Didcot Town Council