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Amateur Dramatic Society – HAMS

Logo of HAMS

HAMS’ is a friendly, strong drama group with high standards, and a membership of about 30 and a current age range from 16 - 86. We have a good mix of technical expertise, stage management including costume and props, actors and front of house people. We enjoy play readings, theatre visits, workshops, performance and all things theatrical.


Contact: Bill Proctor

Contact: Mary Hands

HAMS‘ is a friendly, strong drama group with high standards, and a membership of about 30 and a current age range from 16 – 86. We have a good mix of technical expertise, stage management including costume and props, actors and front of house people. We enjoy play readings, theatre visits, workshops, performance and all things theatrical.

HAMS – September 2021 Update

“From the start it has been the theatre’s business to entertain people… it needs no other passport than fun.” Bertolt Brecht

HAMS are BACK! Calling all thespians, friends and supporters. HAMS are thrilled to announce that we’re back in the groove and ready to get going on the next theatrical adventure.

Ever mindful of the likely precautions and possible impact of Covid-19 on our preparations and performances, we are taking measures to mitigate and limit the risks. In the first instance, it is important to note that the pandemic has suggested some constraints which have influenced the steering group’s choice of play. We think you’ll love the choice and there are parts for adults and youngsters, but it is important to note that the size of the cast is likely to be smaller than in previous years. Simply put – the more actors involved, the greater the chances of needing to shut down rehearsals for isolation, putting the whole production at risk.

We think the play is innovative, pacey, and thoughtful. It will work well in the village hall space and is flexible enough for us to make the play our own.

If you’re interested in taking part or are keen to support the play in other ways,

please come along to the play-reading evenings in East Hagbourne Village Hall on Thursday 14th or 21st October at 7.00 – 9.30pm.

Watch this space next month for more information. If you want to contact the HAMS steering Group, use the email address shown below.

Looking forward to seeing you there

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Since 2010 HAMS has performed an annual production in late March or early April. These have proved very popular and enjoyed full houses over evening and matinee performances. Under the guidance of our director, Mary Hands, we can now boast the following successful productions:
2017 – ‘Grimm Tales’, an adaptation of Grimm’s Folk Tales by Carol Ann Duffy.
2016 – “Vintage Hitchcock, A Live Radio Play” by Joe Landry.
2015 – a modern adaptation of the medieval morality play ‘Everyman’.
2014 – Roald Dahl’s ‘The Witches’.
2013 – ‘Alice in Wonderland’, script by our own Mary Hands from the original book by Lewis Carol.
2012 – an adaptation of Laurie Lee’s ‘Cider with Rosie’
2011 – ‘Canterbury Tales made Modern’, a bawdy romp through some of Chaucer’s best known tales.
2010 – our first production was Dylan Thomas’s ‘Under Milkwood’.

In August 2015, 2016 and 2017 HAMS presented ‘An Evening of Nonsense’, a one night only show that included sketches, rhymes, readings and songs and which proved a big success. These have been sell outs.

The 2018 HAMS production has been sighted out on the wine-dark sea. We will be tackling Homer’s epic of all epics, The Odyssey.

New members are always welcome, no matter which aspect of theatre they are interested in. From complete beginners to experts, we have room for all, and we need your talents.  Especially the ones you don’t even know you have yet!
If you are interested in joining HAMS to help backstage, front-of-house, or perform onstage then please use one of the following contacts:
Mary Hands     01235 819057
Andy Stocks     01235 815344 or

For more information, news and pictures please visit our sites:


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