
Hagbourne Pre-School is a fun, caring and stimulating environment for pre-school children.
Contact: Manager: Sheila Bayliss
Address: Hagbourne Village Hall
Contact: Admissions: Sarah Howlin
Address: Hagbourne Village Hall
Pre-school is held every week day during term time in Hagbourne Village Hall (opposite the school on Main Road) where we have the use of two interconnecting rooms – a large and small hall. We also have access to a stage in the large hall which is put to good use at our fabulous end of term productions.
In our enclosed outside play area, children can ride bikes, trikes, scooters, enjoy ball games, sand and water play, plant seeds and grow plants. We also have regular access to the adjacent Hagbourne School playing fields where we hold our very own Sports Day each summer. We take every opportunity to ensure the children enjoy and appreciate the lovely village in which their pre-school is set with regular walks around it to explore their local environment and reinforce any relevant topics that we might be covering at that time.
Session Times
- Monday to Thursday
8.45 am to 11.45 am morning session
11.45 am to 2.45 pm afternoon session (includes lunch club) - Friday – 8.45 am to 11.45 am morning session
What OFSTED says about us
- Parents and staff have strong relationships which support children to make good progress.
- The quality of teaching is good. Staff plan activities to reflect the interested of the children and to meet their individual needs.
- Staff prioritise children’s safety and demonstrate a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities to protect children.
- Robust arrangements with other professionals and the local school ensure children receive cohesive and consistent care.
- Children’s learning is greatly enhanced through regular outings to the local environment, such as the mini-explorers weekly visit to the woods.