The Alternative Christmas TreeFest 2020

The “Alternative” TreeFest 2020
The Idea: To Make the Hagbournes Shine Bright OUTSIDE
Light is a symbol of hope, of brighter days to come! And we quite like the idea of providing some hope in these strange times – so let’s make the Hagbournes sparkle!
You can sponsor a live 4ft Norwegian Spruce to go in your front garden to decorate and ‘light up’. If you are a business or if you belong to a group or club, you could nominate someone from your group to ‘host’ the tree in their garden. Or maybe you could club together with neighbours and sponsor lots for your street? And don’t worry – if you’d like to be involved but don’t know anyone to host your tree, just let us know and we’ll find a garden for you.
As the festival isn’t taking place in the church we’re not limited by space so the more trees the merrier across both villages!
4ft tree for front gardens – £25 (you can order more than one!)
There’s no prize or ’theme’ as such this year (apart from the 10th anniversary), we would just love a community effort to make our lovely villages twinkle at Christmas! Clearly any decorations would have to be waterproof (they can still be used to advertise your business or group activity) but our main emphasis this year is on the lights.
Any monies raised from the sponsorship of the trees will be shared between a local charity and St Andrew’s Church.
There will also be 10 x 6ftNorwegian Spruces in the churchyard of St Andrew’s – each one representing a year of the festival and each showing the sponsor’s name. These are £35 each.
What do you need to do now?
If you’d like to sponsor a tree please email Sarah Wright on so we can just get an idea of how many trees we might need to order. This needs to be done by mid-October. Once we have an idea of numbers we will send out further information and sponsorship forms.
We hope this all makes sense. Please spread the word and encourage your friends and neighbours to sponsor a tree. Let’s make the Hagbournes the most Christmassy villages in South Oxfordshire!