Update on Services in St Andrews during April 2021

Dear All,
Greetings! I thought it would be helpful to give a quick update on services at St Andrew’s during April. I’m now able to provide some services in church , in addition to the Sunday 1030am online service. No need to book in advance, as I am happy we can provide a safe environment for the numbers who will attend. We’re not allowed to sing in church, but we are allowed to sing if we are in the churchyard, so the 6pm service might well take place in the churchyard, weather permitting! All services will be fully Covid compliant.
Please note these are only the arrangements for April. I’m taking things one month at a time and so let’s wait and see what makes sense for May and beyond!
With every good wish,
Father Jason
Sunday 4th April 6pm Easter Evensong
Sunday 11th April 6pm Evensong
Wednesday 14th April 10am Holy Communion
Sunday 18th April 6pm Evensong
Wednesday 21st April 10am Holy Communion
Sunday 25th April 6pm Evensong
Wednesday 28th April 10am Holy Communion
Sunday 2nd May Evensong