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Book Groups

Logo of Book Club

There are two book groups in East Hagbourne, which meet regularly to share and discuss the books we read.


Contact: Alice Smith (Book Group 1)

  • 01235 813393

Contact: Alison Chadwick (Book Group 2)

  • 01235 511730

Book Group 1 (BG1)

The original Hagbourne Book Group (also known as BG1) is now in its 15th year. We meet 11 times a year, with the January meeting being ‘Readers’ Choice, when we report on our Christmas reading and choose most of the books for the rest of the year. We meet on the first Monday of the month, but unfortunately we are too large toaccept any new members at this time. However, BG 2 is open to new members, and we know of several villagers who would like to start a Not on Mondays book group, so if you are interested, please get in touch.

Book Group 2 (BG2)

If you like reading and discussing books in an informal atmosphere, without all the homework, then BG2 may be for you.

Our get-togethers are wide-ranging and entertaining and yet, in-depth and often passionate. We get 5 to 10 people along from a membership of around 15 who come and go, depending on availability. We meet in each others homes from 8:00pm on the second Monday of each month. New members are always made very welcome – if just moved to the village or just want to meet some new people?

However, please note Book Group 2 is currently  full (May 2022).