East and West Hagbourne Cemetery
The current cemetery for East and West Hagbourne is located on the western edge of the village of East Hagbourne on the north side of the road to Coscote in the lee of the old railway line, now the SUSTRANS path No.5.
Contact: Chairman: Robin Jaboor
Contact: Funeral Arrangements: (Parish Clerk) Laura Lloyd
- 07891 551851
- easthagbourneparishcouncil@gmail.com
The current cemetery is comprised of two parts, being the “old” and “new” grounds. The old grounds are on the western side of the central row of evergreens and are maintained by the PCC as a semi-wild area for the flora and fauna, whilst keeping the pathways reasonably clear for access of visitors to the graves. The new grounds can accessed through the Lychgate. This gate was erected in 1999, designed by C Underhay and paid for through a public subscription along with contributions from both Parish Councils.
The new part of the Cemetery is run by a Committee of East Hagbourne Parish Council and includes a nominated representative of West Hagbourne Parish Council, and up to four representatives living within the two villages. The Committee is responsible for the management of the grounds of the cemetery and their general upkeep. The Committee is supported by the Clerk to whom all correspondence should be sent and who is an essential point of contact for those enquiring about funerals within the villages. Contact should be by telephone on 07891 551851 or Email to – parishclerk@easthagbourne.net.
A digital map of the cemetery showing plot locations can be found here