Environment Group
Hagbourne Environment Group was set up in 1997 with the objective to look after the natural areas in the parish and try to improve them where possible, both for wildlife and for local people. From 2021, the group has been absorbed into the Hagbournes and Upton Group for Sustainability - please refer to the HUGS entry for more details.
Contact: Cynth Napper
Our first project was to create a wildflower meadow in the top half of the village cemetery, which is now well established (see picture above) and gains more wildflower species every year. It is mown every July just as a normal hay meadow would be. The meadow has been given several awards for nature conservation.
Following that we planted several short hedges around the parish and at West Hagbourne, then put in different species of trees along Moor Lane. There’s lots more we could do of course but our group is too small at present to take on any new projects. Unless, of course, YOU join us!
Contact Cynth Napper using the details above if you would like to be part of the group or just to help with any short tasks at any time. We need to weed the meadow of thistles, clear the hay every July, trim the hedges, check the trees, plant some bulbs, make a noticeboard, build a ‘solitary bees’ house…
Most tasks last no longer than two hours. Bring your own tools.