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Local Directory

St Andrew’s Church

St Andrew's parish includes the villages of East Hagbourne and West Hagbourne and the hamlet of Coscote. St Andrew's provides a spiritual focus for all these communities, and also draws in many worshippers from Didcot.


Contact: Rector: The Revd Jason St John Nicolle

Assistant CurateRevd Louise Butlerc/o Dawn
01235 850267
Benefice OfficeDawn Saunders01235 850267

Organist & ChoirPeter Mitchell01235 850719
SextonPost vacant
Sunday School
Mothers Union
Bell RingersShirley Goss01235 815605
Church TreasurerTrevor Goss01235 815605
Parish MagazineJanet Corderoy & Joy Napper01235 813140 & 813145
PCC SecretaryJustine Goodenough01235 519782

Please visit the St. Andrew’s Church prayer blog here.

Mid-week communion at St Andrew’s (Sept 2020)

This will take place on some Wednesdays following Private Prayer, 12.15 at the High Altar. Space is limited. Please book your place through the church office either email: or ring 850267 stating your name(s) and contact number. Services in September will be on Wednesdays the 9th and 23rd.

During communion the congregation will remain in their places and only bread will be administered. For the safety of others please wear a face covering.

Short daily reflection and prayer

During weekdays Fr Jason is writing a short reflection and prayer. You can find these on the Churn website or if you would like to receive these please contact the Benefice Office on 01235 850267 or email the Office


St Andrew’s Harvest Supper

Due to the current situation we have decided to cancel our HARVEST SUPPER booked for the end of September this year. Although the Village Hall will have reopened by then, the restrictions, and the need for social distancing makes it too difficult to ensure that everyone is safe. Hopefully we will return in 2021. Keep well everybody.
St Andrews Social Committee.

Services and groups are continuing online and by telephone, and the clergy are available if people have questions, would like to talk, or would like to ask for prayer for themselves or someone they care about.  Click here

We’re still meeting together for prayer and worship – and we welcome visitors! The Benefice uses GoToMeeting (GTM) to hold on-line church services every Sunday at 10.30am (you can join from 10:00 onwards if you want to have a chat and/or to try out the technology first), and brief evening prayers Monday to Friday at 8pm. It’s easy to join in. Any device that will get you online – phone, tablet or computer – can be used to join the service: instructions are on our website. And if you don’t have an internet connection, that’s not a problem. You can join the service by telephone. For details on how to join, please contact the Benefice office on 01235 850267.

Normally, the Church is open every day from around 9am until about 4pm in the winter months and 5pm during the lighter months.  Anyone wishing to use the Church outside these hours must contact one of the Churchwardens.

Further information about events can be found here.


Hagbourne parish church was built, or rebuilt, at the beginning of the twelfth century, and consisted then of a nave and chancel. Only a few walls remain from this time. The current tower was built in the mid-fifteenth century, and features a very unusual sanctus bell-cote, its original bell remaining in daily use. The pulpit also dates from the fifteenth century. The stained glass dates variously from the fourteenth through to the twentieth century. The octagonal stone font was added in the thirteenth century.

Services at St Andrew’s – currently on hold

Our main Sunday service is at 10.30am every week.  You are warmly invited to join us for worship at St Andrew’s. On the 4th Sunday in each month, the 10.30am worship takes the form of a Family Service, with an all-age band and a talk suitable for all ages. On other Sundays, our 10.30am service is the Parish Eucharist, with hymns and music, a sermon, and Holy Communion. Coffee is available after all 10.30am services.


  • 8.00 am           Said Eucharist (on 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays)
  • 10.30 am        Parish Eucharist or Family Eucharist on the 4th Sunday of the month
  • 6.00 pm           Evensong (every week)


  • Wednesday       10.00 am           Holy Eucharist

There may be variations to this pattern on special occasions. Services for the week ahead are always posted on the notice board in the church porch and on the calendar on the website.

Activities at St Andrew’s

  • Bell Ringers Practice night is Tuesday from 7.30-9.00pm. Click here to go to the Hagbourne Society of Change Ringers’ website for more information.
  • Parish Choir practice is on Wednesday evening from 6.30-7.30 pm.
  • Music Group leads worship at the monthly Family service, on the 4th Sunday of the month
  • Children’s Club – meets on the 1st Sunday in the parish room during the 10.30 am service
  • CYGnets – the Benefice youth group meet on the 4th Sunday in the evening  (6.00 pm for 11-13 years, and 7.30 pm for 14+ years).
  • The Friends of St Andrew’s – organise events to help look after and maintain this historical building.
  • Pet Service – we love animals at St Andrew’s Church, so every couple of years we have a special ‘Pet Service’ when we invite people to bring a pet with them to church so we can celebrate and give thanks to God for all that our pets mean to us. Pets also receive a blessing. Everyone is welcome to come to this service, with or without a blessing. There is a lovely plaque in church depicting St Francis, the Patron Saint of Animals.

We are always pleased to have new people to help with flower arranging, church cleaning, welcoming people to services (sidesmen), baptism visitors, Parochial Church Council (PCC), Sunday teas, church fête and the popular Christmas tree festival, plus children’s activity days, occasional concerts and special events.


St Andrew’s Church is one of seven churches in the CHURN Benefice. Click here to visit the Benefice website.

Click here to visit the West Hagbourne website.

Click here to see a map of Hagbourne showing location of the church.

Click here to see a 360 degree photo of St Andrew’s interior.