Land Adjacent to Village Hall
The context is that an application by the developers for a screening opinion on an Environmental Impact Assessment is needed.
Your comments are to be submitted by 9th June at:
A planning application will follow later and at that time we (the village & Council) will make more detailed comments.
Here is the Parish Council’s formal reply to SODC in regards to this initial proposal :
Although the size of the proposed development is beneath the normal size required for an EIA, we feel that the sensitivity of the location coupled with the size of the development should require the developers to produce a formal Environmental Impact Assessment. The reason being that the proposed development is situated directly opposite this Village School but adjacent to the School sports field which would require the children to have to cross the access road to the proposed development twice every time that they visited the sports field. This area of the village is already very congested and potentially hazardous particularly between 8.15 and 9.00 when pupils are arriving at the school, villagers are leaving the village to go to work, and the commuter traffic is adding to the congestion. A development of anything like this scale would clearly be unsustainable and have a very severe impact on the local environment as well as occupying land that may be needed for future community use. We therefore submit to the planning office that a full EIA must be required before any possible development on this site could be considered.